We support cottage industry. We live in a rural community where many people depend on growing food. They have trouble holding jobs because of many factors. Cottage industry has always been with us culturally, It provides jobs next to people's gardens, but current marketing trends and companies with tremendous resources eat into the small market niche marketers occupy. Our products depend on hand crafting, and we pay 33 cents a minute for that help. If a product takes 4 minutes to make, we have to pay out 1.38 for labor. We also have to add material costs as well. The good thing about this is that most of this money goes directly into the community. There is a circle created here. A sustainable economy as far as it goes. Walmart took out thousands of these circles when their form of marketing drove our down towns into a collage of "space for rent signs"
Most products available today are made and distributed by GIANTS. Giants today, just go and get what they need from a cheap (Chinese or foreign) labor force, in massive enough quantities to reduce per piece shipping to a negligible amount. This has left a previous generation of small creative American industrial artists and craftspeople throwing up their arms and quitting before they begin. Poverty is maintained, and the average person has nowhere to go except to a large corporation. Cottage industry here in America needs all of the support it can get. It once was the resource American business depended upon. Without outlets, ordinary arts and crafts will vanish due to the fact that there is no demand. Video game players will replace them. Are you a company where cottage industry and innovation still has a place to prosper. We are in the business of bring cottage industry in America back to life. There are unseen (at first) rewards to supporting American made small enterprise. One is that productive activity creates innovation. When a good innovation (product or service) comes along from our countrymen through cottage industry, distributors such as yourself can be first in line. Success in anything where cottage industry is concerned goes a long way, and it helps keep creative people continuously productive. It sets up the possibility of interest free micro loans within community, and creates friendship in problem solving groups. In Willits California, there is a 20,000 square foot Makers Space, called Wowser. Among it's many tools and working areas, Wowser also has a 3d printer! Check out the pictures and go to some of the pages. This is the kind of activity you support in your principles. It creates "can do" artists and craftsmen, inventions and tooling to produce them. This is good for the immediate economic culture looking for daily bread. It is our path to support this ideal which Merry and I have taken. This is how we stay involved in our community and promote prosperity for friends and family in their persuit of right livelihood.
At some point every product was an innovation! Innovation creates great opportunities for retailers to be first on the block with a super idea. It also creates synergy and word of mouth promotion for you by the Maker (Vendor).